Select Resumes - Select source of resume in the drop box on the ResumeGrabber toolbar and click on the "Grab" button.
On click of the grab button, ResumeGrabber grabs the resumes matching title, keyword from the source and does the following:
1. Extracts candidate contact details
2. Extracts years of experience and keywords
3. Displays extracted details in grid
Screen Resumes - ResumeGrabber includes functionality to enable rapid filtering of resumes to weed out the ones that don't qualify.
To enable rapid filtering of resumes, the following functionalities have been included:
1. Quick Sorting - Enables sorting by location, experience or percentage skills match. Recruiters can now review more resumes rapidly.
2. Snippet View - This view enables you to see resume summaries containing snippets from resume in the context of specified keyword. Recruiters read less and screen more resumes faster!
3. Hot Resumes - Identifies resumes that match specific skill set with a chilli pepper icon against the resume in the ResumeGrabber Grid. Recruiter can now narrow their search faster.
4. Sort by location - Resumes from a preferred City, State or Zip can be highlighted with a star. Narrowing searches to a specific area becomes painless.
5. Never show - Allows marking resumes as rejected. Marked resumes will never show up in future searches.
ResumeGrabber Pro is a simple cost effective resume screening tool that not only helps in the screening process, but also allows recruiters to send customized emails to candidates and clients. This powerful feature is useful as a means to conduct mass email campaigns and getting interested candidates in instead of having to call them individually. This dynamic tool saves and import resumes instantly into any Database/Contact Managers/ATS.
Improving your screening process is just a click away. Try the fully functional software free for 10 days with no obligation.
On click of the grab button, ResumeGrabber grabs the resumes matching title, keyword from the source and does the following:
1. Extracts candidate contact details
2. Extracts years of experience and keywords
3. Displays extracted details in grid
Screen Resumes - ResumeGrabber includes functionality to enable rapid filtering of resumes to weed out the ones that don't qualify.
To enable rapid filtering of resumes, the following functionalities have been included:
1. Quick Sorting - Enables sorting by location, experience or percentage skills match. Recruiters can now review more resumes rapidly.
2. Snippet View - This view enables you to see resume summaries containing snippets from resume in the context of specified keyword. Recruiters read less and screen more resumes faster!
3. Hot Resumes - Identifies resumes that match specific skill set with a chilli pepper icon against the resume in the ResumeGrabber Grid. Recruiter can now narrow their search faster.
4. Sort by location - Resumes from a preferred City, State or Zip can be highlighted with a star. Narrowing searches to a specific area becomes painless.
5. Never show - Allows marking resumes as rejected. Marked resumes will never show up in future searches.
ResumeGrabber Pro is a simple cost effective resume screening tool that not only helps in the screening process, but also allows recruiters to send customized emails to candidates and clients. This powerful feature is useful as a means to conduct mass email campaigns and getting interested candidates in instead of having to call them individually. This dynamic tool saves and import resumes instantly into any Database/Contact Managers/ATS.
Improving your screening process is just a click away. Try the fully functional software free for 10 days with no obligation.