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Showing posts with the label tips for employers

How to deal with a troublesome employee?

If an employee is lacking in skills or knowledge, it is easy to tackle the person. You can provide more training and hone the skills to suit the job requirements. But, if you have employees with negative attitude, it is tedious to handle them, because their negative approach may affect others’ productivity. Observe the employee’s activities for some time to make certain of the attitude. The first step is to speak to the employee through your Human Resources Department. Ensure the employee that you know about the person’s attitude and behavior, and you are not happy with that type of mind‑set. See whether this has an impact. If this does not work, you can speak to the employee directly and find out the problem. Check whether the negative attitude of the employee is the person’s nature or is it due to issues in the company. If it is the latter one, you can try to solve the problem. But if it is the person’s nature, you have a tough time. Think well; whether the employ...

Cultivate Ownership Culture

It is better to involve the employees emotionally in the organization rather than providing them the monetary and other benefits. Nowadays the ownership culture is becoming a trend. Making the employee to feel as the owner of the business is the idea behind the ownership culture. This makes the employees to be more attached to the company and be more involved in their job. The ownership culture provides more rights and more responsibilities to the employees. Naturally, the employees hold the responsibility for the success of the company. They are deeply motivated by the emotional feeling and are attached to the organization. Obviously this increases the work performance. The ownership culture can be infused by involving the employees while creating company policies, obtaining their opinion and feedback for important decisions, providing them enough freedom for decision making about their projects etc. Anyway, the flip side has some disadvantages. If the employee lacks ...

How to identify right attitude?

Nowadays many interview questions are available in the Internet to help candidates. Most of them check the popular questions and are well prepared with ready-made answers. Think innovative. Asking mere questions that are already made popular through Internet may not reveal the candidate’s true personality. Instead, you can provide a problematic situation and ask the candidate to resolve the problem. This should be on the spot. You can even slightly tweak a current issue in the organization and make the question as "How to handle this situation?" The candidate’s reaction to the unexpected question, approach towards the problem, time taken to resolve it – these things will provide you a lot of information about the candidate.

“Tell me about yourself” – A tricky question

One of the frequently asked questions in interviews is “ Tell me about yourself ”. You can begin your conversation with this question. While it seems to be a very simple and common question, the answer gives you an idea about the candidate's personality. You can identify the communication skills, the attitude and other qualities of the candidate from the answer. If the person starts talking about the personal life, hobbies and interest, the attitude towards job is not good. If the person narrates whatever is already in the resume, then there is a lack of communication. You need to have a second thought. Well, the smart answer may contain three parts: (1) The candidate’s past experience (2) current position (3) future goal. Example: “I have got 7 years experience in the Customer Support domain. I am currently working as Asst. Manager, Customer Support with . I always like to manage the support team, streamline the process and look for challenging opportunities ...

Interview helps to identify the right candidate

In the selection process, interview questions help you to decide the best candidate. While you are screening the resumes, you can understand the qualification and technical skills of a candidate. In addition, there are other skills required for a job. Based on the job position, there may be specific requirements like Leadership, Communication, and other inter-personal skills. These qualities can be identified during the interview process only. The interview may be conducted through telephone or face-to-face. While communicating with the candidate, your interview questions will bring out the candidate’s real skills. We will discuss the smart interview questions in later sessions.

Employee Training - Reduce cost & time

When a new employee comes into an organization, training the person consumes lot of time and money. In spite of recruiting an experienced employee with required skills, the initial induction takes its own time. Instead of involving existing employees to train the newbies, you can develop an internal portal that provides information about company’s products, services, and culture. The employees can access this portal to get information and they can be provided access to update the latest information about products. This type of sharing knowledge makes learning interesting and reduces the cost & time involved.

What make you a good boss?

If you don't get along with your team members, they may quit. You need to be a good boss to make your employees work for you. Because your success always depends on your team members. A good boss has to be action-oriented, approachable and disciplined.Talk to your team and that makes them think that you care for them.Clearly explain your project goals, deadlines. Don't rush them in the last hour. Be available to guide them. Be ready to help individuals who comes with problems and suggestions to improve the processes.