If an employee is lacking in skills or knowledge, it is easy to tackle the person. You can provide more training and hone the skills to suit the job requirements. But, if you have employees with negative attitude, it is tedious to handle them, because their negative approach may affect others’ productivity. Observe the employee’s activities for some time to make certain of the attitude. The first step is to speak to the employee through your Human Resources Department. Ensure the employee that you know about the person’s attitude and behavior, and you are not happy with that type of mind‑set. See whether this has an impact. If this does not work, you can speak to the employee directly and find out the problem. Check whether the negative attitude of the employee is the person’s nature or is it due to issues in the company. If it is the latter one, you can try to solve the problem. But if it is the person’s nature, you have a tough time. Think well; whether the employ...