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Showing posts with the label resume import software

The fastest way to search & import resumes into your database

If searching resumes is a vital component of recruiting process, importing resumes from various sources into your database is far more important. These are the two areas where most of the recruiters lose their time and lag behind their competitors. If you are one of those recruiters losing your opportunities to your competitors, then you need to try ResumeGrabber JobSuite. ResumeGrabber JobSuite is a powerful tool that helps you to instantly search resumes from the Internet and import resumes into your database. ResumeGrabber JobSuite has 100+ Boolean search strings that enable you to find resumes with a click of a button. ResumeGrabber JobSuite enables you to import resumes from any source – search engine results, social networking sites, job boards, PC folders, emails, etc. All you need to do is: Just enter the resume keyword and click Find . ResumeGrabber JobSuite instantly searches the Internet and displays the resumes in a few seconds.  Now, selec...

Quickest Way to Grab Resumes from Job Boards

ResumeGrabber is a powerful Resume Import Tool that allows you to capture resumes and candidate contact information from any Internet source - job boards, social networking sites, search engine results, etc. To grab resumes, simply point to the source of resumes and click on the 'Grab' button in ResumeGrabber. The software will automatically extract name, address, email, phone number and other candidate contact details and enter them, along with the resume, into your database. With ResumeGrabber you can save 90% of the time you would normally spend in manually copy-pasting resume details. Click here to download your 10-day free-trial version of ResumeGrabber today.

Get resume off the Internet and put it into PC Recruiter Rollup List

eGrabber's ResumeGrabber Pro - Recruiters can now pull the resumes off Outlook email, PC Hard disk, job boards, Google and put it into PC Recruiter Rollup list in 3 easy steps. ResumeGrabber scans the resumes in Job boards, Google web & desktop search, PC folders and outlook email folders and imports them into a spreadsheet like grid. Resume can be quickly sorted by location, experience or percentage skills match. Add resumes to your PC Recruiter Rollup list with just one click. Unlike other resume importing software , ResumeGrabber includes drivers for all popular job boards that includes monster, CareerBuilder etc.., single click sends personalized email to selected candidates, eliminates the data entry,single click attaches selected resumes and sends to client, advanced duplicate check prior to importing into PC Recruiter Rollup list. Download ResumeGrabber Pro today!!