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Showing posts with the label tip for recruiters

Resources you can use - LogJobs

LogJobs is a niche job board that is dedicated exclusively to logistics and supply chain professionals. It offers job seekers & employers new ways to reach each other and stay connected through the most popular social networking sites such as Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook, etc. LogJobs has considerable reach within the logistics community, and more than just being a job board, it brings more visibility and exposure for job seekers who visit their website.

Search Job Openings using Google

Source: eGrabber Newsletter You can use the intitle command in Google to search for job openings on the Internet. The Google search syntax is as follows Keyword (intitle:"job openings" OR "job offer" OR intitle:"job postings" OR intitle:"job listings" OR "job vacancies" OR "job requirements" OR "walk in") (State) For example, to get information on job openings for Software Sales Managers in the state of California, your Google search string will be Software Sales Manager (intitle:"job openings" OR "job offer" OR intitle:"job postings" OR intitle:"job listings" OR "job vacancies" OR "job requirements" OR "walk in") (California | CA) You can use this search string to prospect for companies and hiring managers who are hiring.

Compelling Stories can Improve your Placement Ratio

 Source: eGrabber   Though recruiters work hard to identify qualified people, some often squander their hard-earned assets. Each candidate is precious and can open a wide door of possibilities, none of which can ever be realized if you do not create maximum impact in the first call you make. A weak presentation not only kills a potential placement, it wears out your welcome and tires your candidate. One of the ways to make a strong presentation is to tell a compelling story. A job is more than just a set of specifications or organizational requirements. Learn how to tell the story behind a job opportunity, and explain the dynamics of the people within the company. A well crafted story can help the candidate visualize, paint scenarios and better understand the ideas conveyed. The more interesting the story, the more you get the candidate to identify with the job and the more likely you are to spark the candidate's interest to join or refer her friends.