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Showing posts with the label inhale resumes from job boards

Inhale Resumes from Job Boards, Search Engines and Social Networks

In today’s tech-dominant world, resumes are found everywhere. Search engines, social networking sites, job boards, free resume portals, blogs, personal websites, alumni associations are some of the major sources of resumes. It is quite encouraging for recruiters and hiring managers, but the challenge lies in how quickly you extract resumes and contact information from the above-mentioned sources to your database. Typically, recruiters and hiring managers visit various resume sources and manually extract resumes and contact information to the database. It is a strenuous task for busy recruiters and it eats up most of the productive hours. Surveys reveal that recruiters spend most of their time to source resumes and extract resumes. Eventually, it leaves very little time to contact the prospective clients or candidates. This is where a resume inhaling tool can help recruiters inhale resumes from almost any source. A resume inhaling tool with built-in resume parser intelligently...