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Showing posts with the label tips for hiring marketing professions

Tips and Strategies for Hiring Marketing Professionals – By Terri Robinson

Interview Questions Knowing exactly what you want to accomplish by hiring a marketing manager is the first step in developing the right interview questions. If you want to brand your company, look for a person who has done this successfully in the past. A few questions you might ask: 1.How do you prepare a marketing campaign? (The answer should contain specifics about how they determined the target market, what type of campaign they decided on and why.) 2.How do you determine whether the campaign was successful or not? (How did they measure success? What was the cost per customer lead? How much did sales increase as a result of the campaign?) 3.Tell me about a project that you brought in on time and under budget. 4.What sort of experience do you have in public relations? (PR covers much more than press releases!) 5.What associations do you belong to related to marketing? 6.If we wanted to add "X" to our product line, give me an outline of how you could best introduce it to th...

Tips and Strategies for Hiring Marketing Professionals

In the next few posts, I would be publishing the tips written by Terri Robinson for hiring Marketing Professionals Resume Pre-qualifying In screening résumés for marketing professionals, some things should send up a red flare if you see them: 1. Short periods of employment . Less than a year at a company can mean nothing in today’s world of "dot-bombs," but seeing several short periods could be cause for concern. Many candidates thrive in the fast-paced world of the start-up, and will accept positions with them again and again in spite of a setback with their previous employer. 2. Titles that don’t reflect growth . Was the candidate a VP in one period and then Marketing Manager in the next? Many start-up companies use titles that don’t reflect the true responsibilities held by the employee. Or perhaps they found after hiring that the person didn’t have the expertise needed for the job, and so demoted him or her to a lesser job. A candidate that has moved from company to compa...

Tips and Strategies for Hiring Marketing Professionals – By Terri Robinson

This tip was written by Terri Robinson. The article is reprinted from Hiring the right marketing professional can mean the difference between sinking and survival to your business. Hiring the wrong marketing professional can be worse for your business than hiring NO marketing professional! Many sales professional résumés say "Sales and Marketing," but in reality they have done only sales and perhaps designed a brochure or two. It’s important for you to understand the difference between sales and marketing: 1. Sales is everything you do to get the prospect to buy your service or product. Sales usually involves tactics and logistics, and involves the prospects actual decision-making process. 2. Marketing is everything you do to find and position the prospects for a sale—to get them to that decision-making point. Marketing is more strategy than tactics. Author Bio Terri Robinson, President - Robinson & Associates, a recruiting company that specializes in sal...