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Showing posts with the label resume screening tool

Screen and Transfer Resumes in Seconds

Source: eGrabber Newsletters I receive scores of resumes everyday - as email attachments, from job boards, resume forms submitted through the company website, etc. It takes a lot of time to manually screen each and every resume and process the selected resumes into my database. Is there any way by which I can speed-up the entire process? Try ResumeGrabber. It automates all the manual steps involved in processing resumes. It auto-extracts resumes from Google search results, Job Boards, email attachments and enters them into your candidate database. It then allows you to screen and shortlist the resumes based on keywords. What took you hours to do can now be done in minutes. You will have all the time to hire more candidates. Download your 10-day free trial of ResumeGrabber today.

How to evaluate a resume screening software?

Recruiters’ biggest challenge is to screen the qualified candidates from the numerous resumes piling their Inbox. Nowadays, most of the recruiters have started using an automated system to screen the resumes. If you plan to go for a resume screening tool, you need to check whether the software matches your requirements exactly. Consider the following points while you are purchasing the software. Estimate the time taken to screen the resumes. Compare the manual hours spent to process a set of resumes with the time spent for the same set of resumes when you are using the software. Check for resume data extraction. Verify that the software can extract required data from the resumes. Look for saving the information. Check if the resume screening tool can save the resume data into your contact manager or database. Consider multiple resume formats. The software should be able to support different formats of resumes. Confirm quick communication. The software should enable to contact the poten...

Automate Resume Screening to Select Qualified Candidates Quickly

Screening resumes can save the amount of time and money an organization spends interviewing marginally qualified, and, or suited, candidates (Cook, 1992). In the past decade, only a few have focused on the importance of screening resumes. Resume screening is particularly crucial when recruiting middle a nd senior level staff. Prior to screening resumes, the recruiter should have a list of standards and criteria against which they can compare resumes. Ideally the recruiters will have to develop a list of essential and desirable skills, knowledge, and work experience. With the advent of Internet, hund reds of emails clutter the recruiters’ Inbox everyday. The recruiters find it very difficult to apply a set of consistent standards across multiple candidates. If they can review all the resumes on the same day, it is possible to maintain the consistency in the standards. However, it is not practically possible to screen hundreds of resumes manually on the same day. Screening ...

How to screen resumes using ResumeGrabber Pro?

Select Resumes - Select source of resume in the drop box on the ResumeGrabber toolbar and click on the "Grab" button. On click of the grab button, ResumeGrabber grabs the resumes matching title, keyword from the source and does the following: 1. Extracts candidate contact details 2. Extracts years of experience and keywords 3. Displays extracted details in grid Screen Resumes - ResumeGrabber includes functionality to enable rapid filtering of resumes to weed out the ones that don't qualify. To enable rapid filtering of resumes, the following functionalities have been included: 1. Quick Sorting - Enables sorting by location, experience or percentage skills match. Recruiters can now review more resumes rapidly. 2. Snippet View - This view enables you to see resume summaries containing snippets from resume in the context of specified keyword. Recruiters read less and screen more resumes faster! 3. Hot Resumes - Identifies resumes that match specific skill set with a chilli ...