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Showing posts with the label online resume parser

Why resume parsing software is very important for a recruiter?

The technology explosion has opened up quite a lot of opportunities for today's businesses. Businesses have become more tech-savvy or rather web-savvy. The recruitment industry is no exception to this and the recruiters and hiring managers rely heavily upon the Internet to look for resumes. Search engines, job boards, social / professional networking sites, personal websites, blogs, portals, etc. are considered as some of the major sources of resumes. Now, how can a recruiter capitalize on these opportunities? With stiff competition from fellow recruiters and stringent time constraints, a recruiter cannot afford to manually pull out each resume one by one and process them. It is a tedious and time-consuming task, and it takes a heavy toll on other core recruiting activities. Also, there is every chance that you might end up with typos and duplicate entries. This is where a resume parsing software becomes very important for a recruiter. ResumeGrabber JobSuite is an automated r...