Save quite a bit of cash by taking advantage of these free ways to advertise your job openings: 10. Blog - Writing a blog is free (we recommend using ), and allows you to put your message on the web without involving your IT department. 9. Twitter - With TwitterFeed, you can easily set up your jobs to auto-post on your Twitter site. 8. - Simply Hired is a free job posting site that also powers the career sites of popular sites such as MySpace and US News. 7. - Indeed accepts free job postings, and also optimizes your postings for search engines. Quite a few of our clients get the majority of their online candidates from, because the jobs rank highly on Google. 6. Linked In - Linked In is a powerful way to source new candidates. 5. Business Cards - For a very small investment, you can print business cards that advertise your career site. Hand these out to your employees to encourage employee referrals, and keep a stack at the ...