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Showing posts with the label employee motivation

Cultivate Ownership Culture

It is better to involve the employees emotionally in the organization rather than providing them the monetary and other benefits. Nowadays the ownership culture is becoming a trend. Making the employee to feel as the owner of the business is the idea behind the ownership culture. This makes the employees to be more attached to the company and be more involved in their job. The ownership culture provides more rights and more responsibilities to the employees. Naturally, the employees hold the responsibility for the success of the company. They are deeply motivated by the emotional feeling and are attached to the organization. Obviously this increases the work performance. The ownership culture can be infused by involving the employees while creating company policies, obtaining their opinion and feedback for important decisions, providing them enough freedom for decision making about their projects etc. Anyway, the flip side has some disadvantages. If the employee lacks ...

How appealing are the “Motivational Training Programs”?

There is an idiom – “You can take a horse to water but you can't make it drink.” Perhaps, the horse may not be thirsty! Your motivational training may cost you a lot but if it is not targeted at the right employees, it is of no use. You may think that you are providing an excellent opportunity to your employees. Anyway, the employees should have the interest and flair for learning new things. You need to recognize employees who are really interested in the training and engage them in to the program. So, identify the really “thirsty” employees to make your motivational training classes to be productive and effective.

Good Manager leads to Job Satisfaction

Having a good manager is the key motivating factor for an employee. When a manager can motivate employees and increase the productivity, the same person can also demotivate the employees and lead to frustration. Job satisfaction is the personal emotional feeling of the employee. When the employee is not receiving recognition for the performance, this emotional feeling is blown up. Especially when there is lack of communication between the manager and employees, it certainly affects the job satisfaction. A manager may easily affect the employee’s job satisfaction by ignoring the ideas, not recognizing the achievements, or by not having proper relationship. Many employees do not tend to leave the company, but their managers. The top management can consider the managers’ performance by obtaining feedback from the employees reporting to them. This may be a good start to have good managers and in turn to retain employees.

Create involvement in employees

Employees are motivated when they find involvement in their job. Explain the vision of the company to the employees clearly. Provide details of the outcome expected from them. Simply setting a target would not make the employee to get involved in the job. Make the job interesting to them by explaining the results of their performance. Once employees find the job interesting and get involved in it, they gain the job satisfaction. Job satisfaction plays key role in the career of employees and makes them to continue with the company.