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Showing posts with the label recruiting tool

Rely on Research

There are many things we do not understand about hiring. However, our inability to predict the future does not mean we cannot learn as much as possible about the present. The only way to do that is to: 1) conduct our own research, or 2) read research conducted by other people. We may not like to believe research results because they interfere with personal opinion, but research is the only way to know for sure which recruiting and hiring tools work best. A hiring manager might be 100% convinced of his or her opinion, but that is not the same as being 100% correct about the candidate.

Google as recruiting tool

 Source: eGrabber   The reason behind using Google as a recruiting tool is simple: experienced professionals appear frequently in its searches due to their normal professional activities. As a result, top professionals have higher Google scores (a Google score is a numerical calculation that counts the number of times that a reference to an individual appears online). A high score for an individual indicates that a person is more active in his or her field, and thus more desirable. A high Google score can be as a result of a variety of things a candidate has done, including Talks they gave, Articles they authored or are cited in, Awards and patents they received , Magazine and newspaper article mentions, etc. Even if their activities didn't originally appear on the Internet, these days everything of any significance is eventually cited somewhere on the web. It might surprise you that most professionals with more than 10 years of experience have their own "Google score."

Automate key recruiting processes and increase hiring efficiency

With skill shortage always on the higher side, the war for talent is much fiercer than ever. Typically, recruiters have a list of key recruiting tasks to do on a daily basis. Recruiters feel that the initial recruitment phase consumes most of their time and it hinders the other daily activities. Recruiters say that candidate sourcing, resume parsing , resume screening, and candidate background check consumes more than 50% of their time. In a typical scenario, recruiters spend about four to five hours a day on candidate sourcing. During times of talent crunch, they slog a couple of hours or more to source candidates. After sourcing candidates, recruiters again spend a great deal of time to import resumes to the database. Recruiters extract the resumes manually from various sources. They manually copy and paste the resume data from different resume sources to their database. This is a laborious task, which is also prone for typos. Screening resumes is an important recruiting task a...

Twitter - A Recruiting Tool??

Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that allows the user to post 140-character tweets (Twitter updates) and display 160-character bios (User profile) in his/her Twitter account. Although the tweets are restricted to 140 characters, the viral effect of Twitter helps the users to convey the messages to hundreds and thousands of Twitter followers in no time. Twitter has quickly reached millions of users and it has grown tremendously over the past couple of years. It has grown at a staggering rate of 1382% as of February 2009 (YOY) and is competing with the leading social networking giants like Facebook and MySpace. Twitter is gaining more popularity and its user base is rapidly increasing on a daily basis. A lot of Twitter-based tools, widgets, and services are now available. Twitter is being used in information gathering, networking, businesses, advertising, corporate branding, recruiting and in a lot of other areas as well. The recruiting and staffing industry...

Click to Process Resumes - Tip for Recruiters

I spend hours entering resumes I get from job boards, into my database. This is tiring and prone to data entry errors. Is there a better way to do this? With ResumeGrabber Professional , adding multiple resumes to your database is just one click away. It intelligently pulls out resumes from emails received from job boards and transfers them into ACT!, Outlook or GoldMine. You can also attach the resumes to the contacts in your database. Now, you have all the time for recruiting, while ResumeGrabber does the data entry work for you. Check out the 10-day Free ResumeGrabber Trial copy.

Save at least three potential Business hours every day by not entering the resume details manually into their database

Without Resumegrabber my small business would not be able to compete in the larger recruiting industry. The time savings and functionality of this product make my job a lot easier. I recommend this product to everyone I train within my organization and everyone who participates within my educational courses - VP of Staffing Services. The staffing services received most of the resumes through emails. They also used Job Boards to search for potential candidates. Problems stepped in when hundreds of resumes cluttered into the mailbox. They were unable to screen huge volumes of resumes they receive everyday. They tried many Recruitment tools in the market but they did not sync well with Outlook. They searched for a tool that should work with Outlook, Job Boards and Excel. "Thanks to Google that it found ResumeGrabber for me" says, V.P. of Staffing Services . Despite plenty of solutions in the market, ResumeGrabber is the only recruiting tool that matched the expectations of the S...