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Showing posts from July, 2007

Focus on Competancy While Recruiting - Tip for Recruiters

Source: eGrabber Newsletters A potential candidate should have basic competencies such as behavior, knowledge, skills and abilities. Competencies are demonstrated through specific, observable behaviors and can be measured by pre-screening and interviewing techniques. List down the key qualities and qualifications that a candidate should have for a given job position. You can find them from the job description itself. Focus on these competencies during the interview and keenly observe if the candidate fits the bill. You can also use proven ability and psychometric tests to measure various competencies. Identifying, observing and measuring competency while recruiting can greatly alleviate retention problems.

Screening Software – The latest trend in online recruitment

Ah! I'm back with my article!! The Internet-enabled recruiting market has brought with it more reach for employers and, in general, a higher volume of applicants for jobs. With thousands of applicants vying for each position advertised, recruiting is becoming an increasingly automated process. The aim of the recruiters is obviously to screen applicants in the shortest possible time. And the aim of ResumeGrabber Pro is to help the recruiters in their job. ResumeGrabber Pro helps the recruiters to manage the flow and choose the best applicants for jobs than ever before. Though the interview remains a key component, recruiters always search for a tool like ResumeGrabber Pro to screen the right candidates. Beyond the straightforward elimination of applicants who don't meet clear criteria, though, assessment is a complex practice requiring significant effort. ResumeGrabber has made it easy by highlighting the competency factors like skills, experience, knowledge, preferences. Thi...

A thought on my previous post - Importance of recruitment tools

The last few paragraphs of my previous post " Recruiters and Hiring Managers: Get in the Game " stresses the importance of having knowledge on the tools that would help the recruiters and hiring managers to identify the right potential candidates. I'm going to publish my next article on one such recruitment tool which helps the recruiters and hiring managers to choose the best applicants for jobs than ever before.

Recruiters and Hiring Managers: Get in the Game - Article from itzblogging big

Source: itzblogging big This is one of my favorite blog. Their posts are published in This article briefs on how to stay away from unqualified candidates using the recruitment tools. Would you like to make sure unqualified candidates never hit your desk again? Recruiters and hiring managers are forced to deal with unqualified candidates on a regular basis. The “I’m perfect for the job” belief that so many candidates possess simply isn’t true. In some cases, the unqualified candidates are caught in the resume stage, but it takes time to weed through countless resumes of people that aren’t right for the job. The lives of recruiters and hiring managers would be much easier if they could simply attract top talent: ”…there are good Active job seekers that will apply for your jobs, the key is to maximize attracting the quality candidates while discouraging unqualified candidates from applying.” (From from the trenches) If you can limit the number of unqualified candidates that s...

Predict who will Quit Next - Tip for Recruiters

Source: eGrabber Newsletters There are many ways to figure out when your employee is likely to quit. But before you try then, you need to be aware of the ethical, legal and cultural issues involved. Look at the timing of previous job changes to see if there is a predictable pattern of when they are likely to leave. Search the job boards in the Internet for resumes of your employees. Attend job fairs to see if any of your employees attend. Have a recruiter call them directly to see how interested they are, or run a blind ad to attract your own employees who may be looking for jobs. Remember, the goal is not to identify the disloyal, but to use this knowledge to improve the "lookers" job. So, be prepared before one of your top performers quits.

Be Clear on Who you want to Recruit - Tip for Recruiters

Source: eGrabber Newsletters What exactly do you look for in candidates? Often managers look for candidates who think and act like they once did. However, strict adherence to the job description and obedience to authority may no longer be the most valuable traits to look for. To find the best candidates, you may have to sometimes relook at your assumptions. For instance, job-hoppers may be the most adaptable workers. People with short attention spans may be the most comfortable with new technologies. Candidates with an "attitude problem" may also be the most entrepreneurial, original thinkers.

Recruiting at Passive Events - Tip for Recruiters

Source: eGrabber Newsletters If you want to recruit the best candidates, you have to look beyond job fairs � events, such as trade fairs and trade or industry related conferences and social events. Identify all those events that your potential candidates usually attend and plan to attend them. Set up a booth and offer complementary giveaways to attract your potential candidates. Start casual conversations and exchange business cards. Collect as many names and contact information as you can. Make sure you use your best recruiters for this and always be subtle when you interact with the candidates.

Talk less when Interviewing Candidates - Tip for Recruiters

Source: Interviews are very effective when you talk for only 25% of the time or less. If you find yourself talking too much, it could be because you probably did not plan the questions and assessment methods for the interview. Pre-interview planning will allow you to control your talking time and you can spend as much time listening and probing. Gather information about the candidate before the interview. Decide in advance the best time and place for interview. Finalize the questions to be asked and the assessment methods. Ask many open-ended questions. This will get the candidate to talk more. Make sure you ask only specific need-to-know questions. And finally, take notes. Be a great interviewer by talking only 25% of the interview time!

Attracting the Best Students on campus - Tip for Recruiters

Source: Most recruiters feel that they have lesser chances of attracting the best students while conducting on-campus placements. Building a presence on campus is easy if they follow these simple ideas: * Return each year: Visit campuses and return each year. This makes you recognizable and familiar to the students. * A Pre-placement session: Hold a Pre-Placement Session before Interviewing. These sessions provide students an opportunity to find out more about the company and to meet the recruiters. * Conduct summer projects: Recruit and Hire Summer Interns. Summer interns who return to campus with a positive internship experience can be great ambassadors for your company; this also builds name recognition among the students.

Use Personality tests to judge Attitude - Tip for Recruiters

Personality tests have nothing to do with how good or bad a person is at her job. They should be used to determine the psyche of a person, not to analyze job skills and performances. For instance, a dominant person need not make a good manager. In a similar vein, a silent person might make a brilliant leader. So, personality tests should be used to judge a person's attitudes and in no way should test a person's job competence.

Send Email Template - used to send email to candidates

ResumeGrabber allows you to create templates based on the nature of the email. For example, to call the candidates for Interview, to send offer to selected candidates etc.. you can also send bulk email to shortlisted candidates using the templates. This bulk mail can also be personalized for each candidate by using the mail merge concept. Forward Resume Template - used to send the resumes to clients When you find resumes that match a specific job category, you can forward them to your client by using this template in ResumeGrabberPr o. For example, if you find suitable candidates for Sales and Marketing, you can use a template to attach and send the selected resumes to the client. If you find candidates to match Software Engineer, you can attach the corresponding resumes and forward them to the client. You can create different templates based on the category to attach and send resumes that fit into different categories. Whenever you find the right candidate, you can immediately send pe...

Create Personalized Letters - Tip for Recruiters

As a recruiter, you might have standard templates that you use to communicate with your clients and candidates. You probably have a template for requesting references, notifying interview schedules etc. Contact managers like GoldMine, ACT!, Outlook, integrate with word processors like MS Word and WordPad. You can create your own templates and personalize by inserting the desired fields like name and address. Clicking one button and selecting the desired template is all you have to do. Your contact manager does the rest.

A Simple Recruiting Process for finding the Right Candidate

You have to hire someone but you only want the best in your business. You can’t afford to have someone who is going to steal from you, have a poor work ethic and treat your customers poorly. As a matter of strategy you want to find someone you can teach and grow into a management level position. This requires the person to have skills that will be read more | digg story

Click to Process Resumes - Tip for Recruiters

I spend hours entering resumes I get from job boards, into my database. This is tiring and prone to data entry errors. Is there a better way to do this? With ResumeGrabber Professional , adding multiple resumes to your database is just one click away. It intelligently pulls out resumes from emails received from job boards and transfers them into ACT!, Outlook or GoldMine. You can also attach the resumes to the contacts in your database. Now, you have all the time for recruiting, while ResumeGrabber does the data entry work for you. Check out the 10-day Free ResumeGrabber Trial copy.

Develop a Recruitment Plan - Tips for Recruiters

You can attract the right candidates with minimal costs by developing a good recruitment plan. The first step is to identify your target candidates. This requires answers to questions such as “Who are our potential employees?” and “What makes us attractive to potential employees?”. Then, ask yourself “Where can we find them?”, “How will they benefit by working for us?” and finally “Who are our competitors for the kind of employees we need?". A company's success hinges on the consistent performance of all its employees, which makes hiring an ongoing process to locate and attract the best talent.

Situational Interview - Tip for Recruiters

Situational interview questions are used to judge a competency that is vital to a candidate’s on-job performance. This scenario-based interview places the candidate in a hypothetical situation, and evaluates the candidate’s ability to resolve an issue to reach an ideal solution. When drafting a situational interview questions, base them on realistic work situations. Situational interview questions should have a specific response. Also, try to avoid questions that may require knowledge of an internal procedure to answer. According to, “Situational interview is reportedly 54% accurate in predicting on-the-job performance”. So, create a realistic situational interview, and a standard rating scheme to score candidates’ answers to revitalize your hiring process.

Onrec Expo 2007

Onrec Expo2007 will be conducted by in September 2007. has been conducting online recruitment conferences & exhibitions in UK, United States, Australia and China. Check out the full conference programs

Telephone Screening - Tip for Recruiters

Telephone screening is a fast and efficient method for initial screening, when a large number of candidates have applied for a job position. Hiring managers should spend time preparing and outlining the checklist for telephonic screening - such as creating a job description, identifying the background, and the required work experience for selection. Your screening questions should include questions about the past companies that the candidates have worked and their educational background. Asking questions about the candidate’s work history will help evaluate if the candidate will be appropriate for the job position that is open. Be sure to ask some behavioral based questions too. You can also use telephone screening to filter candidates based on their salary expectation. After you have completed questioning the candidate, remember to ask if the candidate has any questions. The questions that the candidate asks will give you another opportunity to further evaluate the candidate.

Resume Screening Software - A recruiter's essential

More than 60% of employers plan to increase the use of corporate websites as a recruitment tool in 2007, according to research by Cranfield School of Management in association with Personnel Today. One third of the survey respondents said the "Ease of use" for candidates was a very important reason for using corporate websites. Almost a third of candidates (32%) said having access to a larger pool was a major factor. Source: Now the major factor being, having access to a larger pool, the recruiters obviously have to automate the resume screening process. Assessing qualified resumes has always been a complex practice. ResumeGrabber was designed to make the recruiters job easy by highlighting the competency factors like skills, experience, knowledge preferences. This excellent feature has always helped the recruiters in comparing the candidates based on the criteria transparently. ...

Save at least three potential Business hours every day by not entering the resume details manually into their database

Without Resumegrabber my small business would not be able to compete in the larger recruiting industry. The time savings and functionality of this product make my job a lot easier. I recommend this product to everyone I train within my organization and everyone who participates within my educational courses - VP of Staffing Services. The staffing services received most of the resumes through emails. They also used Job Boards to search for potential candidates. Problems stepped in when hundreds of resumes cluttered into the mailbox. They were unable to screen huge volumes of resumes they receive everyday. They tried many Recruitment tools in the market but they did not sync well with Outlook. They searched for a tool that should work with Outlook, Job Boards and Excel. "Thanks to Google that it found ResumeGrabber for me" says, V.P. of Staffing Services . Despite plenty of solutions in the market, ResumeGrabber is the only recruiting tool that matched the expectations of the S...

How to recruit people that YOU want for your team

To make great change in the world, you need a team that wants to make great change in the world. So many people have asked me, “Christopher, how the heck can I attract the right people to my non-profit who want to make change in the world like me?” This is very simple, you have to create ads and an atmosphere where you ‘attract’ these people to your non-profit. If you want to attract crazy, fun, outstanding people, then you need to create crazy, fun, outstanding ads to recruit new team members. Take a look at all 50 resumes of people who applied for the job, pick the 10 craziest, fun, and odd looking resumes (ones that are purposefully made to look different) and then invite them all in for an interview. Then at the interview, make the interview process crazy and different. Then, ask them different questions that you normally would not ask in a job interview. Here are some good ones: -When was the last times you ‘broke’ the rules to help someone in need? -Would you do it again? -W...

eGrabber at The Onrec Expo 2007 is a leading industry event is jam packed with informative, cost-saving advice and innovative ideas on how to improve your recruitment strategy, including your chance to: Discover new ways of reaching the best candidates, while reducing your cost-per-hire spend. Learn how online recruitment market is growing and how to keep ahead of the game. Explore new techniques in attracting candidates using web 2.0 technologies. Hear about new employment regulations and how they affect YOU. Network with leading authorities in online recruitment and take part in engaging panel debates on the future of online recruitment. Meet suppliers that have solutions and packages to solve your recruitment problems. Check out the full conference programme. As an exhibitor, eGrabber has secured discounted tickets . Register now for the event and take advantage of this special, time-limited offer by simply entering the code 9CPX3 when you register.

ResumeGrabber - A perfect technology to integrate with your recruiting processes

The growth of Internet has increased the quest for online talent search. IT recruiters and hiring managers invest in technology to solve critical issues in their recruiting process. However, the real success of recruiting firms depends on the successful integration of technology with their existing recruiting processes. While looking for the available software solutions in the market, recruiting firms should evaluate whether such systems can handle the following manual processes: => Can it automatically extract resumes from any source? nt-family:Arial,sans-serif;">=> Can it bring down your resumes screening time by half? => Can it completely eliminate manual resume data entry? => Can it automatically send email responses to screened candidates? Normally, recruiters spend a lot of time manually to accomplish the above tasks and there are not many solutions that address all these issues. Nevertheless, ResumeGrabber is one such software that helps recruite...