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Import resumes from candidate databases in 3 quick steps

The origin and evolution of candidate databases have created a major impact in the recruiting industry and today it has become an integral and inevitable part of online recruiting. Candidate databases have diversified a lot and there are quite a lot of them that are available online, but the main problem is how to quickly parse resumes and import resumes from candidate databases. Typically, recruiters search for candidates in candidate databases and then manually extract candidate information and resumes from the database. Imagine a situation where you have to find hundreds of candidates for your clients. Manually extracting the candidate contact information and resumes from the candidate databases certainly takes away most of your time and it leaves you very little time or no time to work on your other core recruiting activities. In the process, there is every chance that you might lose a potential candidate or client due to time constraints. This is where an automated resume extrac

Complimentary ResumeGrabber Suite for SourceCon 2010 Attendees

Source: eGrabber Newsletter eGrabber has partnered with ERE Media, producer of SourceCon 2010 , to give away free ResumeGrabber Suite license (worth $695) for all attendees of the event, to be held at San Diego, CA from March 14-15, 2010. ERE Media is also happy to offer eGrabber users a 20% discount on registration fee for the event. Please use the special coupon code SC10EG and save 20% when signing up for the event. Take advantage of the 20% offer for the event registration and get a ResumeGrabber Suite free. The software (worth $695) itself pays up for the event registration cost. Hope to see you there! To register for the SourceCon 2010 event, please visit For information on ResumeGrabber Suite, please visit

Quickest Way to Grab Resumes from Job Boards

ResumeGrabber is a powerful Resume Import Tool that allows you to capture resumes and candidate contact information from any Internet source - job boards, social networking sites, search engine results, etc. To grab resumes, simply point to the source of resumes and click on the 'Grab' button in ResumeGrabber. The software will automatically extract name, address, email, phone number and other candidate contact details and enter them, along with the resume, into your database. With ResumeGrabber you can save 90% of the time you would normally spend in manually copy-pasting resume details. Click here to download your 10-day free-trial version of ResumeGrabber today.

2 Niche Networking Sites for you to Focus On

Source: eGrabber Though LinkedIn is still the leader, you can use a number of other professional networking sites that offer access to niches. Here are a couple of networks you can use to build extensive contact lists and to source candidates better: Doostang is a good source for candidates from exclusive top schools and recently graduated candidates. Members also have access to thousands of jobs from employers; a good place to be if you are looking for new clients or search assignments. Vault is a network made of user generated content that provides great insight into company's business in formation, culture and such that can help with finding new job orders and/or candidates. Both these sites have a basic/free membership.

Time to Integrate Social Media into your Recruiting

Source: eGrabber Newsletter The focus for recruiters this year and the next few would be on building a community of potential candidates. Many Internet sourcing experts are of the view that recruiters should be able to fill routine job positions using just their social networks and connections. Given this, it is critical that you determine social media sites that work best for your industry understand the kind of audience (talent) that different social sites attract adopt tactics to build/ grow your network, etc. In the coming years, your success as a recruiter will be determined to a large extent by how good you are in social media recruiting.

Why resume parsing software is very important for a recruiter?

The technology explosion has opened up quite a lot of opportunities for today's businesses. Businesses have become more tech-savvy or rather web-savvy. The recruitment industry is no exception to this and the recruiters and hiring managers rely heavily upon the Internet to look for resumes. Search engines, job boards, social / professional networking sites, personal websites, blogs, portals, etc. are considered as some of the major sources of resumes. Now, how can a recruiter capitalize on these opportunities? With stiff competition from fellow recruiters and stringent time constraints, a recruiter cannot afford to manually pull out each resume one by one and process them. It is a tedious and time-consuming task, and it takes a heavy toll on other core recruiting activities. Also, there is every chance that you might end up with typos and duplicate entries. This is where a resume parsing software becomes very important for a recruiter. ResumeGrabber JobSuite is an automated r

Update your partially filled referral candidate database

Do you lose the deal because your client pays you on a contingency basis and you can't afford the time on research? If you answered ‘yes’, you need eGrabber LeadResearcher. eGrabber LeadResearcher the latest Internet Research Automation tool uncovers hard to find candidate contact information that non-experts might not find. In just a few minutes you can: Find missing e-mail addresses and validate e-mail addresses to complete a candidate's profile Find links to profiles of candidates on Professional & Social networking sites Update contact information for one or more outdated profiles in your candidate database For more info, Visit eGrabber LeadResearcher For a free trial, Click download eGrabber leadResearcher P.S Marvin Smith, a talent sourcer for Microsoft, was able to clean up a list of nearly 8000 prospects with unconfirmed e-mail addresses and produce over 3200 prospects with confirmed e-mail addresses within 24 hours, resulting in 117 new applicants for a specific p

Customize Internet Job Postings based on the Site / Network

Source: eGrabber Newsletter Do you run job postings with the same message, similarly worded, on all sites? A job ad that is effective on a job board (a place for active candidates) will not perform equally on a social networking site (a good source for passive candidates). You should not be surprised if I told you that, for the same ad, the response you get in LinkedIn will be different from that on Twitter or Facebook. So in designing ads, you must understand how the different sites and networks work, the audiences these sites attract and their general mood. It is better that you always come up with 3 messages for every job opening you would like to advertise - 1 each for general purpose sites, niche sites and social networking sites - for maximum effectiveness.

Find Resumes with Phone or Email using

Source: eGrabber Newsletter You can program or restrict your Internet resume searches to return only resumes that contain phone or email address inside them. All the major search engines allow you to write search scripts that let you do this. The search syntax to find resumes that contain phone or email from is "Keyword" intitle:resume phone email For example, to search for profiles of Certified Public Accountants, the search string will be Certified Public Accountant intitle:resume phone email You can even eliminate sample resumes in your search by including the following at the end of the above search string -submit -openings -template -tips -submission -sample -examples -wizard

Search Profiles on MySpace

Source: eGrabber Newsletter MySpace, one of the most popular social networking sites, is no longer the exclusive domain of teenagers. The average age for people on this site is now about 35 years. There are millions of MySpace users and many of them are professionals (potential passive candidates). The search syntax for finding profiles on MySpace is keyword If you are looking for passive prospects from a geographic area, you can include the state code at the end of the search string. For, example, if you are looking for profiles of Certified Public Accountants from California, the search string will be Certified Public Accountant (California | CA) Use the above search technique and explore the vast possibilities that MySpace can offer, especially to locate those hard-to-find candidates for your assignments.

Extract resumes from any source

Recruiters look for resumes from different sources like search engines, job boards, social / professional networking sites, blogs, personal websites and portals, etc. Apart from these sources, recruiters also receive resumes as email attachments and may also have resumes saved in their computers. So how quickly can a recruiter leverage upon this potential? Manual resume data entry from different sources is strenuous and time consuming. With fierce competition all around, a recruiter cannot afford to spend most of his/her productive time in manual resume data entry. This is where an automated resume extraction tool like ResumeGrabber can provide the recruiter the winning edge. ResumeGrabber is a simple, easy-to-use but powerful tool that enables you to extract resumes from search engine results, job boards, blogs, email attachments and from folders in the PC. ResumeGrabber helps you to extract resumes from multiple sources and enables you to quickly screen and sort resumes based on exp

Automate Resume Data Entry

Spending more time on manual resume data entry on a daily basis poses the threat of losing a potential candidate or client. With stiff competition in the recruiting industry, it is very important for a recruiter to act quickly to succeed. Manual resume data entry results in loss of time and it hampers the other core recruiting processes. Particularly when you are processing thousands of resumes, it becomes a tiresome task. In addition, there is every chance that you might copy and paste inappropriate data in the wrong fields and enter duplicate resumes / records in your database. The perfect solution for these manual resume data entry hassles is to automate resume data entry . Automating resume data entry enables you to quickly capture and process the resumes. It helps you save a lot of time and enables you to spend more time with your candidates and clients. ResumeGrabber is one such tool that helps you to automate resume data entry and makes a recruiter’s job look easy. It helps yo

Why detailed job ads are important to attract passive candidates?

Job ads are very vital to attract candidates; particularly, when you are looking for passive candidates who are already well settled, your job ad should be descriptive and "attractive" enough for the passive candidates to apply for the job. The article below explains why detailed job ads are important to attract passive candidates and offers tips for recruiters on how to write a detailed and effective job ad. Recruiters must ensure their job ads are capable of attracting passive candidates, says Aspire Solutions International rec-to-rec specialist, Luke Carolan. As a recruitment consultant it can become easy to see each advertisement as "just another job", he says, but it's important to keep in mind that from a job seeker's perspective it represents the next step in their career and might involve a life-changing decision. To distinguish themselves from HR managers - who constantly need convincing about the extra value that justifies a recruiter's