Source: eGrabber Newsletters
When you interview, focus more on what you ask than what you say. This helps you to break the ice with candidates, especially the shy and reserved types.
For instance, asking questions like "Why do you want to work with us?" or "Why do you want to change your job?" help you in determining whether they actually want to work with you or not. Similarly a question like "Why did you leave your previous job?" helps you understand their career prospects as well as the reasons for leaving that job.
When you interview, focus more on what you ask than what you say. This helps you to break the ice with candidates, especially the shy and reserved types.
For instance, asking questions like "Why do you want to work with us?" or "Why do you want to change your job?" help you in determining whether they actually want to work with you or not. Similarly a question like "Why did you leave your previous job?" helps you understand their career prospects as well as the reasons for leaving that job.