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Showing posts with the label egrabber recruiter tips

Create In-house Referral Portals

Source: eGrabber Newsletter Some of the best people you hired might have come through somebody you knew - a referral. The social networks and community sites that employees associate with are sources of high-quality job applicants. You can expand your pool of good candidates by tapping into such rich sources. You can create a referral portal on your website, where your employees can log in to recommend friends and professional acquaintances for current openings. You can now get to hire top candidates using the knowledge, expertise and social networks of your company's employees.

Hire for Attitude; Train for Skill

This is the latest strategy followed by HR professionals. What is attitude? Attitude is the emotional view towards a subject or person. This can be positive, negative or neutral. An employee should have a positive attitude towards the job, work environment, co-workers and the company. How important is attitude? Well, 100% attitude is essential for a potential employee. Knowledge comes second followed by skill. Look for candidates with good attitude. This will reduce 50% of your recruiting pressure. Even if a candidate with good attitude lacks skills, the person can be trained easily. But you cannot teach attitude! How to identify the person with proper attitude? Attitude can be recognized from the behavior of the person. The body language and way of communication explain the behavior. The personality comes into the scene here. Watching the behavior of the candidate and asking appropriate questions help you to decide the person’s attitude. We’ll discuss questions related to attitude and

What you don't tell Candidates - Recruiter Tips

Source: eGrabber Newsletters If you are recruiting candidates for your client, there are certain things that you should not discuss with them about your client company. Things such as strategies used by your client, quality or identity of other candidates, your personal views about the company or its employees should not be shared with prospective candidates. It is fine if you describe your client company as “a good place to work in” and its employees as “wonderful”. However, make sure that you don’t exaggerate or misrepresent your client company.

Replacement Planning - Recruiter Tips

Source: eGrabber Newsletters It is important for HR professionals to draw a game plan to replace employees when they leave. Identify key players in the organization, who have the maximum impact on the bottom line. These are the ones who will cause the most damage if they leave. Implement organized programs like mentoring, leadership development, or job rotation and encourage these key employees to actively participate in these programs. Maintain a list of alternate candidates that you can consider if any of your key employees leave. Proactively build relationships with these potential candidates. Developing these replacement strategies will help you manage risk.

Hire before the need arises - Recruiter Tips

Source: eGrabber Newsletter Hiring delays can cause huge losses. Instead of waiting till a person resigns, a new hire should be integrated into the workforce even before the vacancy is created. Some jobs are continually open and require hiring candidates on a continuous basis. For other positions, identify them and start hiring candidates well in advance. This will help you prevent any loss in revenue at a later stage. There are also some positions that experts predict would grow rapidly. Candidates who qualify for these positions should also be hired when available.

Are you "Googling" your Candidates? - Recruiter Tips

Source: eGrabber Newsletters There are many times, in this day and age of social networking, people tend to share just a bit too much about themselves. One quick way to check on a candidate is to run that person’s name through a search engine. The common phrase is "googling" but you don't have to use the Google search engine to do this. If you are using Google, you simply put the person's name in quote marks into the search text box. For instance, "mark e. berger" If you were going to use the Live search engine you would type in this - mark.e.berger - using dots in between the words instead of quote marks. If it is a common name you might want to use other keywords that fit the individual. There are many employers these days that are using this practice as one of their screening methods. You should take this step before they do. It only takes a minute and offers a bit more peace of mind about a referral.

Recruiting: The need for diversity - Recruiter Tips

Source: eGrabber Newsletters Diversity recruiting is becoming increasingly important as the world turns global. Organizations have learned that if they want to operate around the world they must be able to recruit and retain individuals who are "different" than those who are in the majority.From a broader outlook, it's important to recruit diverse individuals not only because many corporations must operate facilities at multiple locations around the globe, but also because they need diverse-thinking individuals to design products that will be in high demand in every major country. In a global economy, having a diverse workforce is no longer an option. It has become an absolute requirement for success.

Network your way to Hiring Success - Recruiter Tips

Source: eGrabber Newsletters Networking with your employees, top candidates, industry experts, vendors and customers will help you find the best talent. The best people rarely look for jobs because they are happy where they are. Now, if you want them, you must offer your job in terms of success and deliverables, thus presenting them with greater challenges and subsequent unparalleled rewards.