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Save Transcripts of Candidate Interactions - Recruiter Tips

Source: eGrabber Newsletters The Notes tab in contact managers like ACT! and GoldMine is a great place to store transcripts of phone calls, emails, interviews or any kind of correspondence with candidates. Storing this kind of information and referring to it once in a while helps you understand the candidate better. This enables you to make the right hiring decisions.

Group Interviews help Save Time - Recruiter Tips

Source: eGrabber Newsletters A preliminary group interview to shortlist candidates is sometimes time-efficient and effective, if you have many candidates turning up for an open job position. Show a power point presentation of the company to the group and follow it up with a question-and-answer session. Finally, end it with a short interview with each candidate. Invite the strongest candidates back for an in-depth interview. Such a mechanism not only saves time but also gives you a chance to observe how candidates behave in a group.

Instantly Screen and Transfer Resumes - Recruiter Tools

Source: eGrabber Newsletters I manually go through hundreds of resumes daily to screen the best ones for open job positions. This takes up a lot of my time and I sometimes miss out good resumes. Is there a way by which I can quickly screen resumes , so that I can spend more time interviewing and short-listing the best candidates? ResumeGrabber Pro 5.0 enables you to screen and sort hundreds of resumes by city, state, zip code and years of experience in no time.Just enter the resume keywords and click ‘Grab’ in ResumeGrabber toolbar. It will screen all resumes in your Outlook, system folders, Google and show up only those that matched your keywords.You no longer have to open each resume to find out whether it meets your requirement. You can now screen hundreds of resumes in minutes, which would have otherwise taken you hours to do. Download your 10-day trial version at no cost and see the magic work for you.

Recruiter's COlumn: Phil Willson

Phil Willson is a 12-year veteran of the recruiting industry with a diverse background spanning retained and contingent executive search, candidate sourcing and research, and Internet-based entrepreneurism in both the United States and Asia. His company, Kalypxo Unbundled, operates a baseline sourcing service through the website

Secrets to Really Analyzing Resumes - Article by Phil Wilson

Any hiring manager or recruiter knows that the intent of a resume is to market a specific candidate. Jobseekers sit down and spell out the stories of their careers, doing their best to mold the dry facts into an exciting and positive yarn. You can pick up the resume, read it over, and fairly quickly determine whether the candidate is a good fit for your position. Within seconds, you can toss the resume on top of the 'A' pile, the 'B' pile, or the 'Are You Crazy?' pile. However, if you stop there, you've just thrown away the baby with the bathwater. Resumes are a unique insight into the world outside of your office walls. They contain far more than just the details of one person's work history. With just one resume, you can build an entire recruiting campaign. With 10 to 20 resumes, the world is yours. Passive Candidate Sourcing Many resumes contain references, complete with names, titles, and contact information. That's an obvious opportunity for pas

Diversity Recruiting Websites - Resources You Can Use

Adding to the previous post, I'm listing down two websites for diversity recruiting found on the web. - Latpro is a online recruitment website for Hispanic and bilingual professionals. LatPro helps employers and recruiters to find professional candidates with language skills,international experience. - HireDiversity is one of the leading online service for diversity recruitment and career development. HireDiversity offers the full spectrum diversity database in the industry. It offers the following services - custom memberships, resume access, job posting,and corporate branding campaigns utilizing online & print advertising. HireDiversity also assist recruiters in their hiring efforts by providing pre-screening, entry-to-senior level, diversity professionals.

Recruiting: The need for diversity - Recruiter Tips

Source: eGrabber Newsletters Diversity recruiting is becoming increasingly important as the world turns global. Organizations have learned that if they want to operate around the world they must be able to recruit and retain individuals who are "different" than those who are in the majority.From a broader outlook, it's important to recruit diverse individuals not only because many corporations must operate facilities at multiple locations around the globe, but also because they need diverse-thinking individuals to design products that will be in high demand in every major country. In a global economy, having a diverse workforce is no longer an option. It has become an absolute requirement for success.

Network your way to Hiring Success - Recruiter Tips

Source: eGrabber Newsletters Networking with your employees, top candidates, industry experts, vendors and customers will help you find the best talent. The best people rarely look for jobs because they are happy where they are. Now, if you want them, you must offer your job in terms of success and deliverables, thus presenting them with greater challenges and subsequent unparalleled rewards.

Tips for writing Job Descriptions - Recruiter Tips

Recruiters should include all the criteria that the candidates require to apply. Explain more on the goals to be achieved. This will allow the qualified candidates to demonstrate how they would be able to do the job. Analyze on educational qualifications and work experience. Your criteria should not restrict the candidates to apply for the job. It is most important to group the essential criteria and the desirable criteria. Monitor the responses to the job description. Review job descriptions based on the responses.

Communicate through In-built Email Applications - Recruiter Tips

Source: eGrabber Newsletters Contact managers like ACT! and GoldMine have in-built email applications that enable you to keep in touch with candidates, eliminating the need for an external email application. Now, you can have the candidate database, details and communication channel in one place. You can send group emails, set filters, create templates and utilize a lot of other features that will boost your recruiting efforts.

Resources you can use –

Source: eGrabber Newsletters is an association of independent recruiting firms working within the semiconductor, networking communications (datacom/telecom), wireless and optical sectors of the North American high-tech industry. Visit web site for more information.

Capture Resumes in Seconds - Recruiter tips

Source: eGrabber Newsletters Spending too much time on entering candidate details into my database is tiring and time consuming. At the end of it, I am left with absolutely no time and energy for my recruiting activities. Is there any way to do away with this troublesome process? With ResumeGrabber , all you need to is highlight the resumes you want and click. The candidate’s contact and resume details are instantly captured into your database, leaving you enough time for your recruiting activities. ResumeGrabber processes resumes in any format and works with ACT!, Outlook, GoldMine and online ATS. Download your 10-day trial version as you read and start recruiting more.