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Focus on Competancy While Recruiting - Tip for Recruiters

Source: eGrabber Newsletters A potential candidate should have basic competencies such as behavior, knowledge, skills and abilities. Competencies are demonstrated through specific, observable behaviors and can be measured by pre-screening and interviewing techniques. List down the key qualities and qualifications that a candidate should have for a given job position. You can find them from the job description itself. Focus on these competencies during the interview and keenly observe if the candidate fits the bill. You can also use proven ability and psychometric tests to measure various competencies. Identifying, observing and measuring competency while recruiting can greatly alleviate retention problems.

Screening Software – The latest trend in online recruitment

Ah! I'm back with my article!! The Internet-enabled recruiting market has brought with it more reach for employers and, in general, a higher volume of applicants for jobs. With thousands of applicants vying for each position advertised, recruiting is becoming an increasingly automated process. The aim of the recruiters is obviously to screen applicants in the shortest possible time. And the aim of ResumeGrabber Pro is to help the recruiters in their job. ResumeGrabber Pro helps the recruiters to manage the flow and choose the best applicants for jobs than ever before. Though the interview remains a key component, recruiters always search for a tool like ResumeGrabber Pro to screen the right candidates. Beyond the straightforward elimination of applicants who don't meet clear criteria, though, assessment is a complex practice requiring significant effort. ResumeGrabber has made it easy by highlighting the competency factors like skills, experience, knowledge, preferences. Thi...

A thought on my previous post - Importance of recruitment tools

The last few paragraphs of my previous post " Recruiters and Hiring Managers: Get in the Game " stresses the importance of having knowledge on the tools that would help the recruiters and hiring managers to identify the right potential candidates. I'm going to publish my next article on one such recruitment tool which helps the recruiters and hiring managers to choose the best applicants for jobs than ever before.

Recruiters and Hiring Managers: Get in the Game - Article from itzblogging big

Source: itzblogging big This is one of my favorite blog. Their posts are published in This article briefs on how to stay away from unqualified candidates using the recruitment tools. Would you like to make sure unqualified candidates never hit your desk again? Recruiters and hiring managers are forced to deal with unqualified candidates on a regular basis. The “I’m perfect for the job” belief that so many candidates possess simply isn’t true. In some cases, the unqualified candidates are caught in the resume stage, but it takes time to weed through countless resumes of people that aren’t right for the job. The lives of recruiters and hiring managers would be much easier if they could simply attract top talent: ”…there are good Active job seekers that will apply for your jobs, the key is to maximize attracting the quality candidates while discouraging unqualified candidates from applying.” (From from the trenches) If you can limit the number of unqualified candidates that s...

Predict who will Quit Next - Tip for Recruiters

Source: eGrabber Newsletters There are many ways to figure out when your employee is likely to quit. But before you try then, you need to be aware of the ethical, legal and cultural issues involved. Look at the timing of previous job changes to see if there is a predictable pattern of when they are likely to leave. Search the job boards in the Internet for resumes of your employees. Attend job fairs to see if any of your employees attend. Have a recruiter call them directly to see how interested they are, or run a blind ad to attract your own employees who may be looking for jobs. Remember, the goal is not to identify the disloyal, but to use this knowledge to improve the "lookers" job. So, be prepared before one of your top performers quits.

Be Clear on Who you want to Recruit - Tip for Recruiters

Source: eGrabber Newsletters What exactly do you look for in candidates? Often managers look for candidates who think and act like they once did. However, strict adherence to the job description and obedience to authority may no longer be the most valuable traits to look for. To find the best candidates, you may have to sometimes relook at your assumptions. For instance, job-hoppers may be the most adaptable workers. People with short attention spans may be the most comfortable with new technologies. Candidates with an "attitude problem" may also be the most entrepreneurial, original thinkers.

Recruiting at Passive Events - Tip for Recruiters

Source: eGrabber Newsletters If you want to recruit the best candidates, you have to look beyond job fairs � events, such as trade fairs and trade or industry related conferences and social events. Identify all those events that your potential candidates usually attend and plan to attend them. Set up a booth and offer complementary giveaways to attract your potential candidates. Start casual conversations and exchange business cards. Collect as many names and contact information as you can. Make sure you use your best recruiters for this and always be subtle when you interact with the candidates.