Save quite a bit of cash by taking advantage of these free ways to advertise your job openings:
10. Blog - Writing a blog is free (we recommend using, and allows you to put your message on the web without involving your IT department.
9. Twitter - With TwitterFeed, you can easily set up your jobs to auto-post on your Twitter site.
8. - Simply Hired is a free job posting site that also powers the career sites of popular sites such as MySpace and US News.
7. - Indeed accepts free job postings, and also optimizes your postings for search engines. Quite a few of our clients get the majority of their online candidates from, because the jobs rank highly on Google.
6. Linked In - Linked In is a powerful way to source new candidates.
5. Business Cards - For a very small investment, you can print business cards that advertise your career site. Hand these out to your employees to encourage employee referrals, and keep a stack at the front desk to pass on to walk-ins.
4. SEO - SEO or search engine optimization, is the art of creating a career site and job descriptions that are ranked highly on popular search engines like Google and Yahoo. If your jobs show up on search engines directly from your career site, you may never have to pay for a job board again!
3. Your Organization's Career Site - You'll want the careers section of your organization's career site to be easy to find. The candidates most interested in working for your company will get there first. So lean on the web site designers to put Careers somewhere on the home page - better yet, include careers in your main menu.
2. Your employees - Employee referrals are still the most popular source for new hires. Encourage more referrals by creating an employee referral portal, communicating new job openings with your employees, and designing incentives for employees when a referral is hired.
1. The reputation of your organization - The number one free way to attract applicants is the reputation of your organization. If your employees enjoy their job, they will recommend more applicants. As the word gets around, you'll have too many candidates to handle for some of your jobs!
10. Blog - Writing a blog is free (we recommend using, and allows you to put your message on the web without involving your IT department.
9. Twitter - With TwitterFeed, you can easily set up your jobs to auto-post on your Twitter site.
8. - Simply Hired is a free job posting site that also powers the career sites of popular sites such as MySpace and US News.
7. - Indeed accepts free job postings, and also optimizes your postings for search engines. Quite a few of our clients get the majority of their online candidates from, because the jobs rank highly on Google.
6. Linked In - Linked In is a powerful way to source new candidates.
5. Business Cards - For a very small investment, you can print business cards that advertise your career site. Hand these out to your employees to encourage employee referrals, and keep a stack at the front desk to pass on to walk-ins.
4. SEO - SEO or search engine optimization, is the art of creating a career site and job descriptions that are ranked highly on popular search engines like Google and Yahoo. If your jobs show up on search engines directly from your career site, you may never have to pay for a job board again!
3. Your Organization's Career Site - You'll want the careers section of your organization's career site to be easy to find. The candidates most interested in working for your company will get there first. So lean on the web site designers to put Careers somewhere on the home page - better yet, include careers in your main menu.
2. Your employees - Employee referrals are still the most popular source for new hires. Encourage more referrals by creating an employee referral portal, communicating new job openings with your employees, and designing incentives for employees when a referral is hired.
1. The reputation of your organization - The number one free way to attract applicants is the reputation of your organization. If your employees enjoy their job, they will recommend more applicants. As the word gets around, you'll have too many candidates to handle for some of your jobs!