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Showing posts from November, 2007

Automate your resume screening process to quickly select the right candidate

Recruiters and hiring managers' responsibilities include everything from knowing job requirements, writing job ads, sourcing and screening candidates, conducting interviews, selection and induction, training, etc. All these fundamentally affect the productivity and success of the organization. However, in reality, most recruiters' time and resource is constantly taken up with screening quality candidates - up to 5 hours every eight-hour day. Today, software solutions are emerging that can provide a practical answer to recruiters. The problem now is how to choose a solution that will be the best fit for their requirements; affordable and flexible too. What should you look for automated resume screening system? For Recruiters and Hiring Managers, the questions are largely organizational and more focused on operational matters: Is the system affordable and within the budget of an organization? Is the system user-friendly enough for people with different skill levels? Will it autom...

Resources you can use –

Source: eGrabber Newsletters , a Dice company, is a leading career site for jobs and career management in accounting, finance, retail banking and wealth management. It provides premier job opportunities, a resume database, and useful editorial content such as hiring news, industry trends and salary surveys Visit web site for more information.

Quickest Way to Screen resumes

I manually go through hundreds of resumes daily to screen the best ones for open job positions. This takes up a lot of my time and I sometimes miss out good resumes. Is there a way by which I can quickly screen resumes, so that I can spend more time interviewing and short-listing the best candidates? With the all-new ResumeGrabber Professional , you can screen resumes in no time. Just enter the resume keywords in a search box and click the ‘Grab’ button on ResumeGrabber toolbar. It will screen all resumes in your Outlook, system folders, Google and show up only those that matched your keywords. You no longer have to open each resume to find out whether it meets your requirement. You can now screen hundreds of resumes in minutes, which would have otherwise taken you hours to do. Download your 10-day trial version of ResumeGrabber at no cost and sprint your way to recruiting success.

Work Environment influences employees

The work environment plays an important role to make the employee to be emotionally involved in the job. The ISO definition for Work Environment is as follows: (Reference: ) The term work environment refers to all the factors that influence work. In general, these include social, cultural, psychological, physical, and environmental conditions. The term work environment includes lighting, temperature, and noise factors, as well as the whole range of ergonomic influences. It also includes things like supervisory practices as well as reward and recognition programs. All of these things influence how work is performed. This does not mean to have a luxurious infrastructure, but a convenient workspace. Ensure a healthy and safe environment. Allocate some personal space for each employee with desk, lockers etc. This makes a psychological difference. Create an encouraging and friendly environment. Provide enough freedom to exp...

Resources you can use – Entersect

Source: eGrabber Newsletters Entersect offers a series of online services based on proprietary technology covering various markets. Their goal is to put critical information in the hands of those who need to make decisions related to an individual's background and/or current location. Their services include validating the SSN#, education verification, employment references, etc. that are required as a part of normal candidate screening process. Visit the Entersect website for more information.

Job Happiness Improves Your Health

Research Bit from Jobsite. clipped from This is a great bit of research from Jobsite . What better way to get people to use their site than to assess their happiness and then suggest they look for another job that will make them happier. I suggest headhunters keep this bit of research to hand when trying to entice execs from one company to another! The Jobsite “Happy Days” research examined the impact of being happy at work and the immediate effect of a good and bad work-day on an evening at home. They surveyed 421 workers at 20 commuter train stations across the country and collected saliva samples (I wonder if the saliva samplers are happy in their work!) on both a work day and a leisure day to compare stress and immune levels to determine the changes in behaviour after a day at work. For the full report you'll need to email (the very helpful) Vicky at

Resources you can use - Workforce

Source: eGrabber Newsletters Workforce Management website contains a host of information on HR related topics including compensation, benefits and awards, and recruiting and staffing. It focuses on providing management information and marketing services to HR professionals. Check out the Workforce Management website for more information.

Inter-Personal relationship increases performance

Positive inter-personal relationship has multiple impacts on job satisfaction. When an employee has good relationship with the manager, co-workers and customers, the performance automatically increases and results in high job satisfaction. Like job satisfaction, inter-personal relationship is also an emotional feeling and cannot be measured. However, an employer can organize programs that encourage teamwork. Arranging for frequent meetings and resolving conflicts immediately strengthen the relationship. Ensure that a positive friendship is shaped between the co-workers so that they enjoy working with each other. Start with building relationship among people with similarities instead of differences. Later the same kind of relationship can be established among people having differences. Effective inter-personal relationship leads to job satisfaction, high performance and success.

CareerTV launches "Celebrities' Job News" to attract more young professionals to its site

CareerTV the leading provider of recruitment videos launched a "Celebrities'Job News" series. clipped from CareerTV's target audience is young professionals. To ensure that the tone and content meet their expectations, CareerTV recently launched the "Celebrities' Job News" series which includes interviews with well-known celebrities like Jerry Seinfeld. "Our goal in interviewing celebrities is simple – young people generally look up to these people and want more information about them. Our audience wants to know how famous people started their careers and what they did before their careers took off. Many of these celebs were very creative in what type of work would allow them to pursue their goals," says David Wheeler, President and Executive Producer at CareerTV.

Good Manager leads to Job Satisfaction

Having a good manager is the key motivating factor for an employee. When a manager can motivate employees and increase the productivity, the same person can also demotivate the employees and lead to frustration. Job satisfaction is the personal emotional feeling of the employee. When the employee is not receiving recognition for the performance, this emotional feeling is blown up. Especially when there is lack of communication between the manager and employees, it certainly affects the job satisfaction. A manager may easily affect the employee’s job satisfaction by ignoring the ideas, not recognizing the achievements, or by not having proper relationship. Many employees do not tend to leave the company, but their managers. The top management can consider the managers’ performance by obtaining feedback from the employees reporting to them. This may be a good start to have good managers and in turn to retain employees. Guide to recruit Top Candidates

Guide to Top Specialty Boards Where Top Candidates Seek Career Oppurtunities clipped from Guide to Top Specialty Boards Where Top Candidates Seek Career Opportunites Accounting / Finance Accounting / Finance Call Center Consulting Diversity Drivers / Trucking Employee Benefits Enviro/Occup. Health & Safety Executive Executive Health / Medical Hispanic / Bilingual Hotels / Hospitality Logistics Manufacturing Retail Security Clearance Tax Specialists Telecom / Wireless For more Specialty Boards, visit: The Empl...

Categorize Candidate Resumes - Recruiter Tips

Source: eGrabber Newsletter Over a period of time, recruiters end up with a large repository of resumes and looking up for candidates becomes a little bit difficult and time consuming. Contact managers are useful to handle such situations. With ACT!, GoldMine or Outlook, you can categorize your candidate database with various fields. Resumes can be categorized based on criteria such as industry, skills, education and more. This narrows down your search to a smaller collection of records based on your specified criteria.

Diversity Recruiting

Source: eGrabber Newsletters Diversity recruiting is becoming increasingly important, as companies are turning global. Companies have learnt that if they want to operate around the world, they must be able to recruit and retain individuals from diverse backgrounds. Recruiting diverse individuals help in operating facilities at multiple offshore locations better. Diverse recruiting and thinking also help in designing products suitable for different countries. In a global economy, having a diverse workforce is no longer an option. It has become an absolute requirement for success.

Job Satisfaction and Employee Retention

The previous session was concluded as Job satisfaction plays a vital role in Employee Retention. Sometimes, employers have the impression that highly-paid employees would stay with them for a long period. Even the highest paid employees may leave the company if they feel frustrated. Job satisfaction is the emotional state-of-mind that makes employees to be attached to the job. The factors that attract employees include good manager, inter-personal relationship, work environment, recognition, company policies, and of course Salary. We’ll discuss these factors in detail in the forthcoming sessions.

Create involvement in employees

Employees are motivated when they find involvement in their job. Explain the vision of the company to the employees clearly. Provide details of the outcome expected from them. Simply setting a target would not make the employee to get involved in the job. Make the job interesting to them by explaining the results of their performance. Once employees find the job interesting and get involved in it, they gain the job satisfaction. Job satisfaction plays key role in the career of employees and makes them to continue with the company.

Employee Training - Reduce cost & time

When a new employee comes into an organization, training the person consumes lot of time and money. In spite of recruiting an experienced employee with required skills, the initial induction takes its own time. Instead of involving existing employees to train the newbies, you can develop an internal portal that provides information about company’s products, services, and culture. The employees can access this portal to get information and they can be provided access to update the latest information about products. This type of sharing knowledge makes learning interesting and reduces the cost & time involved.

Is Search Keywords important for a recruiter?

With the advent of Google, sourcing people and resume has become much more convenient and faster. "Googling" for passive and active candidates has become one of the primary responsibility of any recruiter. A recruiter must be able to identify the right keywords to source active and passive candidates. To identify the right keywords the recruiters has to master the art of understanding the Client's requirements to identify the right keywords. Let's analyze about the tool that helps the recruiter to google efficiently in the next session.

Avoid favoritism to avoid frustration

Awards and rewards are excellent methods to motivate employees. But be careful while rewarding them. Sometimes this may lead others who don’t receive the rewards to think that you are showing ‘favoritism’ to certain employees. When employees feel that they are being ignored while the co-worker gets a reward, it results in frustration. Make the reason clear to every one when an individual is rewarded, like “outstanding performance”. Favoritism has a great impact on the performance and may lead to conflicts. Avoid this in a work place to ensure consistent productivity.