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A poem on how a boss should be

Author: Antoine-Marie-Roger de Saint-Exupery If you want to build a ship don't herd people together to collect wood and don't assign them tasks and work,but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea. We can relate this poem closely with " What make you a good boss " It was just a thought

Employer Branding - The future of HR

Back again to "Employee retention" - Analyzing the reasons as to why employee quits job . The post below discusses on the impact of employer branding on recruiting and retaining right candidates. The Accenture's latest survey of CEOs shows, 60% of them are worried about the need to attract and retain the best people. The organizations can no more aim to be all things to all people. They should focus more on what it takes to build and sustain employer retention that binds and attracts the right talent.Employer branding is not just recruitment and resourcing. It's a complete organizational responsibility and opportunity. It is definitely something that CEO needs to care about. Employers should understand what engages people and should be clear about what an organization offers and does not. This means you are more likely to recruit and retain right candidates.

Searching for Number Ranges in Google?

Here is a lesser known and under utilized search method you can use when searching for resumes using Google. You can even narrow down your search to zip codes. Let’s say you want to search for resumes in the St. Louis, Missouri area. Type the following string in Google. (resume | homepage) 63000..63199 You can provide a zip code range separated by 2 dots and no spaces in between the two numbers. This technique is not entirely foolproof, as many people do not put their home addresses on their Internet resumes. You would normally try this search, but run a second search using a combination of State and area code information. Source: eGrabber Newsletters

How to screen resumes using ResumeGrabber Pro?

Select Resumes - Select source of resume in the drop box on the ResumeGrabber toolbar and click on the "Grab" button. On click of the grab button, ResumeGrabber grabs the resumes matching title, keyword from the source and does the following: 1. Extracts candidate contact details 2. Extracts years of experience and keywords 3. Displays extracted details in grid Screen Resumes - ResumeGrabber includes functionality to enable rapid filtering of resumes to weed out the ones that don't qualify. To enable rapid filtering of resumes, the following functionalities have been included: 1. Quick Sorting - Enables sorting by location, experience or percentage skills match. Recruiters can now review more resumes rapidly. 2. Snippet View - This view enables you to see resume summaries containing snippets from resume in the context of specified keyword. Recruiters read less and screen more resumes faster! 3. Hot Resumes - Identifies resumes that match specific skill set with a chilli

What make you a good boss?

If you don't get along with your team members, they may quit. You need to be a good boss to make your employees work for you. Because your success always depends on your team members. A good boss has to be action-oriented, approachable and disciplined.Talk to your team and that makes them think that you care for them.Clearly explain your project goals, deadlines. Don't rush them in the last hour. Be available to guide them. Be ready to help individuals who comes with problems and suggestions to improve the processes.

Why Employees Quit Their Jobs?

Why should your employees quit their jobs? Analyze the reasons. - Is it because of low wages? - Is it because of location? - Is it because of the brand value of the company? - Is it because of the change in the area of expertise? - Is it because of his/her boss? - Is it because of the stress level? I'm sure this list may extend. Employee leaves job for many reasons. I'm going to focus on the top most reasons as to why the employee quits in my future posts.