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Get resume off the Internet and put it into PC Recruiter Rollup List

eGrabber's ResumeGrabber Pro - Recruiters can now pull the resumes off Outlook email, PC Hard disk, job boards, Google and put it into PC Recruiter Rollup list in 3 easy steps. ResumeGrabber scans the resumes in Job boards, Google web & desktop search, PC folders and outlook email folders and imports them into a spreadsheet like grid. Resume can be quickly sorted by location, experience or percentage skills match. Add resumes to your PC Recruiter Rollup list with just one click. Unlike other resume importing software , ResumeGrabber includes drivers for all popular job boards that includes monster, CareerBuilder etc.., single click sends personalized email to selected candidates, eliminates the data entry,single click attaches selected resumes and sends to client, advanced duplicate check prior to importing into PC Recruiter Rollup list. Download ResumeGrabber Pro today!!

Narrow down your Candidate Lookup

Source: eGrabber Newsletters Information about the candidate’s qualifications, previous employers, skill sets, accreditations etc. are vital for recruiters. They help to screen the candidates based on the requirements of an existing open job position. Contact mangers such as ACT!, GoldMine and Outlook allow you to store such information with the help of user-defined fields. So, every time you create a new candidate record you can key in the relevant data in user-defined fields. Later, when you search for candidates, this information will come handy to quickly narrow down to the relevant ones.

Association Membership Directories

Source: eGrabber Newsletters Successful recruiters make use of the membership directories of associations that support the type of people they recruit. You can find these directories using search engines. For instance, to search for membership directories in a very large electrical engineering society, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), try the following string. ieee (~directory | ~contact) (inurl:”membership directory” | intitle:”membership directory”) To get better results, you have to know the name, and/or the acronym of the association you are targeting. The above search in Google will result in links to the main membership directory and other subcommittees and groups.

Free Webinar: Search Passive Candidates on Google using Automated Tools

eGrabber cordially invites you to a free webinar on Search Passive Candidates on Google using Automated Tools Today, finding passive candidates on Google requires recruiters to master and apply advanced search commands and techniques that require time, effort and expertise that many may not have. But being able to quickly zero in on relevant passive resumes on Google, without being a search expert, will be a tremendous competitive advantage for busy recruiters. This free webinar will introduce you to - automated tools to quickly find passive resumes on Google - automated tools to import, organize, screen and transfer resumes - recruiting best practices that will raise the value you provide to your clients Spending just 45 minutes on this webinar will open your eyes to simple solutions that will help you source and manage resumes in 1/5th of the time you normally spend. Webinar attendees will receive an exclusive discount on eGrabber's power tool for finding passive candidates on th

Internships – An effective Recruiting Strategy

Source: eGrabber Newsletters A summer internship is an important aspect of any student’s academic curricula. It gives them a chance to put their theories to test. Tie up with some colleges and shortlist some students as interns. You get to know their skills and whether they fit your company’s requirements and culture; they also get to know your company. It is win-win for both. If you think some will make good hires after graduation, give them a pre-placement offer or promise them a job after they graduate.

Passive Candidate Search Made Simple with ResumeFinder

I read lot of email tips and articles on recruiting passive candidates. I google the web sites they visit. I identify forums, discussion groups and social networks. But I'm not able to find out the best of talent pool for my Clients.Is there a way I could Zero in on the passive candidates without having to spend much time googling and networking? eGrabber ResumeFinder allows any recruiter, regardless of training or ability, to quickly locate the resumes of passive Internet candidates using the Google search engine. By simply entering a keyword or two you can see ResumeFinder go after those hard to find passive candidates for your tough assignments. Download ResumeFinder and Get the FREE trial license key of eGrabber ResumeFinder and the link to download Mark E. Berger's book to your email address. Download and use this fully functional software for three days or for 25 finds; whichever occurs earlier.