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Create Templates and automate Repetitive Tasks

Source: eGrabber Newsletters Did you know that you could use contact managers to create email templates and automate your repetitive tasks? You may want to send a 'thank you' email to every new candidate added to your database, and all you need to do is to create an email template in your contact manager with an appropriate message. This email can be automatically sent to every new candidate added to your database. Contact managers such as ACT! and GoldMine have features that help automate repetitive tasks. You could set up a series of activities based on conditions. For instance, when a new candidate is added you could set to send an auto-response immediately, schedule a call after 5 days and send the candidate resume to clients based on skills. This feature helps recruiters save time and recruit more.

Searching Resumes in Google - Recruiter Tips

Source: eGrabber Newsletters Have you used the “anchor” tag in a search engine search string? It is an easy way to get lots of free resumes. This works well in Google, but may work in other search engines as well. Everyone knows that you can search for Internet resumes by looking for “resume words” in the titles and URLs of web pages. Another method is to search for words or phrases that are hyperlinked. Assuming that many resume sites use the term “view resumes” to access their resume database, try this: 1. Go to 2. Click the blue link to the Advanced Search page. 3. Type view resumes (without quotes) into the field that says “with the exact phrase”. 4. Scroll down to “Occurrences” and select “in links to the page”. 5. Click the “Google Search” button. This will result in thousands of hits with some interesting looking results on page one. Click on the first hit,, a site that specializes in people in the corrosion industry. Select Engineering and hit ...

Always ask "WHY" - Recruiter Tips

Source: eGrabber Newsletters When you interview, focus more on what you ask than what you say. This helps you to break the ice with candidates, especially the shy and reserved types. For instance, asking questions like "Why do you want to work with us?" or "Why do you want to change your job?" help you in determining whether they actually want to work with you or not. Similarly a question like "Why did you leave your previous job?" helps you understand their career prospects as well as the reasons for leaving that job.

Make Counter Offers - Recruiter Tips

Source: eGrabber Newsletters Since employees are likely to hop jobs, it is important to take adequate steps to prevent it. Considering counter offers is one way to handle this. Ensure always that your counter offer addresses and benefits the employee’s career development. Never make a counter offer solely for the company’s benefit. Selfish counter offers will only delay an employee’s decision to leave. If you cannot make a counter offer to match the other company’s offer, be creative in structuring the offer and include benefits that surprise the employee.

Develop a Recruitment Plan - Recruiter Tips

Source: eGrabber Newsletters You can attract the right candidates with minimal costs by developing a good recruitment plan. The first step is to identify your target candidates. This requires answers to questions such as “Who are our potential employees?” and “What makes us attractive to potential employees?”. Then, ask yourself “Where can we find them?”, “How will they benefit by working for us?” and finally “Who are our competitors for the kind of employees we need?". A company's success hinges on the consistent performance of all its employees, which makes hiring an ongoing process to locate and attract the best talent.