When hiring is strong, most recruiters are so busy that they find it tough to take time out for training. But, even the most seasoned recruiters need to have their skills refreshed from time-to-time. So, you can use the current market conditions (of slow hiring) to the best of your advantage by honing your skills in each of the following areas:
- online sourcing techniques (including use of social media)
- networking (both online and traditional)
- interviewing strategies and methods
- interpersonal communications
- expertise in using the applicant tracking system, and more...
Not every recruiter or organization will need to train on all of the above. But, training in any one or more of these tasks will definitely equip you for the present and the future.
- online sourcing techniques (including use of social media)
- networking (both online and traditional)
- interviewing strategies and methods
- interpersonal communications
- expertise in using the applicant tracking system, and more...
Not every recruiter or organization will need to train on all of the above. But, training in any one or more of these tasks will definitely equip you for the present and the future.