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Worldwide Boolean Strings Contest - 2008

Source: eGrabber Newsletters eGrabber, Inc is sponsoring the 'first ever' Worldwide Boolean Strings Contest - 2008. The event will be hosted by Irina Shamaeva, Partner, Brain Gain Recruiting and Glen Cathey, VP Recruiting, Kforce and Author, . The contest will involve 3 stages and will test the participants' Internet resume sourcing skills. Every participant will receive a one-month ResumeFinder license (a $49 value) at no cost. One person for every 25 participants will get a chance to win either of eGrabber's power tools for recruiting - ResumeFinder (a $349 value) or ResumeGrabber (a $495 value). The top winner will be awarded the title “Boolean Strings Master - 2008" Click here for more information . Contest ends on Sunday, December 21, 2008.

Leverage the power of search engines to source passive resumes

With the advent of Internet, search engines play a very vital role in sourcing passive candidates. The search engines indexes the profiles of both active and passive candidates that are available in various sources like job boards, social networking sites, etc. and thus it eases the search process, but the challenge is to screen only the resumes from other irrelevant data that are generally displayed with the search results. Though expert online recruiters use advanced search queries to eliminate unwanted data and fetch appropriate resumes, it takes a lot of time and effort to identify the skill set, structure the query, and customize and modify the search queries based on the search engines. Generating complicated search queries for various search criteria is definitely a Herculean task for the recruiters and they cannot afford to spend their valuable time on this time-consuming and tedious task on a regular basis. ResumeFinder is a complete recruiting solution that helps recruiters t

Job Posting Trends - October 2008

Despite the disastrous global economic crisis taking a heavy toll on all the industries, the recruitment industry has some surprising stats and figures. Milgram Report October 2008 (published by reveals that there was a -9.71% decrease in the number of jobs posted in October 2008, compared to the number of jobs posted in September 2008. The following data represents the percentage change in the number of jobs posted for each candidate experience level in October 2008, compared to the number of jobs posted in September 2008. Source:

Understand Recruitment Patterns in a Slow Market

Source: eGrabber Newsletters Strategies and decisions that worked well can fail you in a slow market. Hence it is important to take a pause and understand the trends and patterns associated with recruiting in a slow market. Studying the past can be very useful under these circumstances. If your company has been in business for more than 7 years, look at data during 2002-04. How did you handle the slowdown last time? Were there any significant lessons learnt that you could implement now? Do you have any insights into the recruitment industry trends and patterns then, which you could use today? Should you change your business model and focus? Answers to these can help you find ways not only to sustain and grow your business in the down market, but also make you immune to future recessions.

Resources you can use – Yammer

Source: eGrabber Newsletters Yammer is a tool for making companies and organizations more productive through the exchange of short frequent answers. It gives you the ability to communicate, in real-time, with employees anywhere in the world. You can get more information from the Yammer website.

Automate Wherever, Whenever Possible

Source: eGrabber Newsletters One of the ways to deal with an economic slow-down is by finding ways to automate your everyday tasks. It will reduce the workload on your team, freeing up time to focus more on value-adding activities. Appraise all your daily tasks and see if you can do away with time-wasters. Are there tasks you have been doing manually that a software solution can do for you? Sift through the market, explore technological advancements that can automate some of your tasks, help you save time and increase productivity. Decisions made in this regard will not only help your business during an economic downturn, but will make you better when things are back to normal.

'linkdomain' Command in Yahoo!

Source: eGrabber Newsletters The linkdomain is a lesser known command in Yahoo!. It finds resumes that contain links to a particular website. The search syntax for this command is as follows: linkdomain:website intitle:resume keyword For example, if you are looking for the resume of a software engineer who is related in some way to projects at IBM, the search string is as follows intitle:resume "Software Engineer" This could be a great way for you to get in touch with corporate alumni.

URL Search in Google

Source: eGrabber Newsletters This technique locates keywords contained in the document’s URL. This is often called the Internet “address” as well. Each web page has a unique address on the Internet and you can search these addresses for keywords and phrases. The Google search syntax is as follows: keyword (inurl:resume) You can also use the numrange operator to narrow down your search to a specific location. For example, if you are looking for resumes of java programmers in the St. Louis, MO area, the Google search string will be java (inurl:resume) 63000..63199 Use this technique to get resumes you need to fill your location-specific assignments.

Pull Resumes from Google, Yahoo! and Live Search

Source: eGrabber Newsletters Resumes are everywhere on the Internet and a simple search will return volumes of resumes. Manually sorting resumes and copy-pasting resume details into a database is a tedious and distracting task to busy recruiters. A successful recruiter is distinguished by her ability to consistently source new candidates, screen & process resume volumes quickly and connect with more candidates within a short time. Well, ResumeGrabber Pro can help you do just that. ResumeGrabber automatically extracts name, address, email, phone number and other candidate contact details and enters them, along with the resume, into your database. It can also screen resumes based on keywords (educational qualification, skill set, experience, location, etc). Now, you can save 90% of the time you would normally spend on resume extraction and screening. Download your 10-day free-trial

Find Resumes that Contain Phone or Email

Source: eGrabber Newsletters The Google search syntax to find resumes that contain phone or email information inside them is "keyword" intitle:resume (phone OR email) For example, if you are looking for resumes of Certified Public Accountants, the search string will be "Certified Public Accountant" intitle:resume (phone OR email) You can even eliminate sample resumes in your search by trying the following search string "Certified Public Accountant" intitle:resume (phone OR email) -submit -openings -template -tips -submission -sample -examples -wizard

Gather Recruiting Intelligence from Yahoo! Finance

Source: eGrabber Newsletter Yahoo! Finance aggregates information on publicly traded companies from a number of sources and presents them for free for your use. The Sector List, a section of Yahoo! Finance, divides businesses into their respective industries (similar to NAICS codes). Each industry has links to companies and in turn to individual company profiles. The company profile lists information on the number of full-time employees, the names (and sometimes the salary) of key executives and their top competitors. You can use this information to knows - how large a company is and if it is worth targeting - a company's closest competitors / similar companies that you can target - the salaries of key executives in a company and much more...